Wednesday 22 June 2016

Use “Exposures” & watch

Use “Exposures” & watch your Vida Divina Biz grow!

1. Demo Show of the product/Hand out samples (Warm market only) “Hey, I’m having a get together at my house with some free samples, refreshments and you can meet great people. I would like you to come?” As people come over, you can small talk to see how this company would help them. Show them your products or service. And show them your business using a, flip chart, PowerPoint, pre-recorded webinars, etc. What a great way to build your business locally in your warm market. It’s comfortable and very easy to duplicate by your team. Do not get a huge fancy venue for this. Many times people take a HUGE lost. Having giant crowds over or spending a ton of money on food, drinks, etc. This is not something most people will be able to duplicate

2. On-the Spot Demo shows: You have your product on hand. When you meet someone that you connect with, pique their interest and show them your product. Allow them to feel, smell & try the product... If they want more information about opportunity & have Exchange numbers and GO!

3. Website Presentation (video) Make sure you give right address & set an appointment when to follow up. Allow your video to explain. You may be an amazing speaker but many people you recruit will not follow this. Explaining everything over & over gets tiring. Tools duplicate.

4. PowerPoint Presentation. This is simple, especially if you get someone that is very analytical.

5. Live conference call: On all calls, always make sure your prospect have the right time zone. Tell them to introduce themselves & Mute their phone. The company has conference calls. You will get an email from Jeunesse of the time. Several conference calls are held across the world!

6. 24 Hour Pre recorded Conference call: Listen to anytime. You can drive people here anytime of the day or night. Edification is still necessary.

7. Live Webinar: What I love about webinars is that people get a visual component as well as hearing about the opportunity. Sometimes the leaders let you send messages or ask questions. Jeunesse has company webinars. When you join the company, Jeunesse will send you an email when to sign up.

8. Sometimes company’s offer a 24 Hour Recorded Webinars: Works the same as Pre-recorded conference call. You can build your business twenty-four hours on this without having to leave your home. Here are some great webinars I found on Youtube about Vida Divina:

9. Three way call via Skype: Edification is requirement. Works the same as a live 3 way call. I love skyp.e This works well for international folks.

10. Sizzle Call. Recruiting or “Sizzle” Calls – are recorded or live information calls designed to peak the interest of your prospects. They are normally 2 -5 minutes and are high-energy commercials for your company. Not only are sizzle calls are great exposure tools for your prospects, they allow you to validate your company with a professional presentation. The nice thing is that you just invite people to listen to a sizzle call or just 3-way your prospects into the sizzle call…then simply ask “What did you like best about what you heard?”

Promoting Your Sizzle Line You can drive callers to your Sizzle Line a number of different ways: 
1.Ads in Craigslist 
2.Ads in local papers 
3.Email Signature at the end of your emails 
4.Drop Cards 
5.Business Cards

You can three way your prospect into Sizzle call. Remember; always edify the person who did the call. It’s the same for Skype & regular 3-way.

11) Live 3 way call: If you do nothing else right, make sure you edify you’re up line.

12) 1:1 & 2:1 meeting with prospect. Hey, how’s it going? Let’s meet up for coffee. I want to show you the opportunity that’s taken place in Beauty industry. Do you have 2 minutes to spare? If they do, you can demo. Are you free this weekend?” Show them a couple products, figure out their why and offer them the solution. Give them a 60 second overview of the company and invite them to another type of exposure. THIS IS NOT A BUSINESS PRESENTATION. Use your tools again expose. Show them the video; let them hear sizzle call, etc.

13. Show them testimony reviews, before and after pictures, Videos reviews as well. Use your phone, iPad. Expose them to the company’s Face book fan page. You can create your own personal page or you tube channel as well.

14. Live Opportunity Meeting. This can be done as an open house for your business. Usually the company is putting on these events. They can be Regional, National, or locally. (Open House).

15. Google Hang Out: Vida Divina has a hangout tat goes on every Monday. If you miss it, you can always go on youtube to see it. This is excellent exposure!

16. Company Fan pages are wonderful to invite people. They often have updated information that provide the latest news, testimonies & events. Do a search on facebook and you should be able to find fan pages. Look for the company one, they usually says The Official page.

Remember. Let the company put on these fancy events, not you. Check your back office for Calendar events. Example Invite/expose: “Vida Divina is having an open house in July in Atlanta.! You can now get the chance to see about my company and meet the average people that are having amazing success. You got to be there!?” Remember, tools are rejection proof! . Get with your sponsor & find out what tools & exposures they have available. Use them to build. Most of all, they duplicate!

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